
The main executable for the ImpDAR package.

usage: impdar [-h] {load,proc,plot,convert} ...



Load data

impdar load [-h] [-channel CHANNEL] [-gps_offset GPS_OFFSET] [-o O]
            [--filetype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac}]
            fns_in [fns_in ...]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac

Type of file

fns_in File(s) to load

Named Arguments


Receiver channel to load, this is primarily for the St. Olaf HF data.

Default: 1


Offset of GPS and data times for UoA_mat

Default: 0.0

-o Write to this filename

Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac

Type of file

Default: “mat”


Process data

impdar proc [-h] [-cat] [-vbp VBP VBP] [-hfilt HFILT HFILT] [-ahfilt] [-rev]
            [-nmo NMO NMO] [-crop CROP CROP CROP] [-hcrop HCROP HCROP HCROP]
            [-restack RESTACK] [-interp INTERP INTERP] [-denoise DENOISE]
            [-migrate MIGRATE] [-o O]
            fn [fn ...]

Positional Arguments

fn File(s) to process

Named Arguments


Concatenate the files

Default: False

-vbp Bandpass the data vertically at low (MHz) and high (MHz)
-hfilt Remove the average trace (average between hfilt0 and hfilt1)

Adaptive horizontal filtering

Default: False


Reverse profile

Default: False

-nmo Normal moveout correction. First argument is the transmitter-receiver separation. Second argument is the velocity of the radar wave (in m/s).
-crop Crop the radar data in the travel-time direction. Args are the limit, whether to crop off [“top”, “bottom”], with limit defined in terms of [“snum”, “twtt”, “depth”]
-hcrop Crop the radar data in the horizontal. Arguments are the limit, whether to crop off [“left”, “right], with limit defined in terms of [“tnum”, “dist”]
-restack Restack to this (odd) number of traces
-interp Reinterpolate GPS. First argument is the new spacing, in meters. Second argument is the filename (csv or mat) with the new GPS data
-denoise Denoising filter (scipy wiener for now)
-migrate Migrate with the indicated routine.
-o Write to this filename


Plot data

impdar plot [-h] [-s] [-yd] [-xd] [-tr TR TR] [-power POWER]
            [-spectra SPECTRA SPECTRA] [-o O] [-freq_limit FREQ_LIMIT]
            [-window WINDOW] [-scaling SCALING]
            fns [fns ...]

Positional Arguments

fns File(s) to plot

Named Arguments


Save file (do not

Default: False


Plot the depth rather than travel time

Default: False


Plot the dist rather than the trace num

Default: False

-tr Plot the traces in this range (line plot)
-power Input a picked layer number to plot the RMS power for each trace in map view.
-spectra Plot power spectral density across traces of radar profile. Input frequency bounds (MHz).
-o Write to this filename
-freq_limit Maximum frequeny to plot power spectral density to

Type of window function to be used for the singal.periodogram() method

Default: “hanning”


Whether to plot power spectral density or power spectrum: default is spectrum

Default: “spectrum”


Convert filetype (lossy)

impdar convert [-h]
               [-in_fmt {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac}]
               [-t_srs T_SRS]
               fns_in [fns_in ...] {shp,mat,segy}

Positional Arguments

fns_in File(s) to convert
out_fmt Possible choices: shp, mat, segy

Named Arguments


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac

Input format type. If none, guess from extension, but be warned, we are bad at guessing!


Target spatial reference system (only used if out_fmt==shp). Give as EPSG number.

Default: 4326