Loading data

These are functions for loading loading radar data, generally from raw formats, to be used in a program or saved in ImpDAR’s .mat format and used later.

For every filetype that ImpDAR can handle (e.g. GSSI .DZT files, gprMax .h5 files), there is a dedicated file for loading that filetype in impdar/lib/load. These files generally define a single method, which returns an impdar.lib.RadarData.RadarData object, with information specific to the filetype loaded in. The user does not need to interact with these files (unless they need to add functionality).

Instead, to load data for interactive use, a generic load command, which takes a filetype as an argument, is defined in impdar.lib.load.__init__. This wrapper provides some conveniences for handling multiple files as well. There is also a load_and_exit command in that file, which can be used if the user does not want to interact with the data at load time, but wants the filetype converted to ImpDAR’s .mat for convenience.

load.load(fns_in, channel=1, *args, **kwargs)

Load a list of files of a certain type

  • filetype (str) – The type of file to load.
  • fns (list) – List of files to load
  • channel (Receiver channel that the data were recorded on) – This is primarily for the St. Olaf HF data

RadarDataList – Objects with relevant radar information

Return type:

list of ~impdar.RadarData (or its subclasses)

load.load_and_exit(fns_in, channel=1, *args, **kwargs)

Load a list of files of a certain type, save them as StODeep mat files, exit

  • filetype (str) –
    The type of file to load. Options are:
    ’pe’ (pulse ekko) ‘gssi’ (from sir controller) ‘gprMax’ (synthetics) ‘gecko’ (St Olaf Radar) ‘segy’ (SEG Y) ‘mcords_nc’ (MCoRDS netcdf) ‘mcords_mat’ (MCoRDS matlab format) ‘mat’ (StODeep matlab format)
  • fn (list or str) – List of files to load (or a single file)
  • channel (Receiver channel that the data were recorded on) – This is primarily for the St. Olaf HF data