
An executable to perform single processing steps.

This has a lot of convenience in terms of the call since you get more help with commands, more control of arguments, control over the order in which things are done, etc, but has the disadvantage of requiring a call/load/write for every step.

You can get a list of commands with impproc -h

For any individual command, you can get more help by running impproc [command] -h.


A sample workflow might be something like

# make directories for the output
mkdir bandpass hfilt nmo

# Vertical bandpass from 150-450MHz (loading in the raw data with the -gssi flag)
impproc vbp 150 450 -gssi *.DZT -o bandpass/

# do some horizontal filtering on that output
impproc hfilt 1000 2000 bandpass/*.mat -o hfilt

# finally do a conversion to the time domain
impproc nmo 10 hfilt/*.mat -o nmo

The same processing steps can be done without separating the output into different folders. At risk of file clutter, the workflow could be

# Vertical bandpass from 150-450MHz (loading in the raw data with the -gssi flag)
impproc vbp 150 450 -gssi *.DZT

# do some horizontal filtering on that output
impproc hfilt 1000 2000 *_vbp.mat

# finally do a conversion to the time domain
impproc nmo 10 *_hfilt.mat

# Outputs are now sitting around with _vbp_hfilt_nmo before the extension

A similar example, with visualization of the outputs, is here.


usage: impproc [-h]



Horizontally filter the data by subtracting the average trace from a window

impproc hfilt [-h] [-o O]
              [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
              start_trace end_trace fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

First trace of representative subset


Last trace of representative subset


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Horizontally filter the data adaptively

impproc ahfilt [-h] [-o O]
               [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
               win fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Number of traces to include in the moving average


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Reverse the data

impproc rev [-h] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Concatenate the data

impproc cat [-h] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Elevation correct

impproc elev [-h] [-o O]
             [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
             fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Restack to interval

impproc restack [-h] [-o O]
                [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
                traces fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Number of traces to stack. Must be an odd number


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Add a range gain

impproc rgain [-h] [-slope SLOPE] [-o O]
              [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
              fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Slope of linear range gain. Default 0.1

Default: 0.1


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Add an automatic gain

impproc agc [-h] [-window WINDOW] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Number of samples to average

Default: 50


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Vertically bandpass the data

impproc vbp [-h] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            low_MHz high_MHz fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Lowest frequency passed (in MHz)


Highest frequency passed (in MHz)


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Horizontally bandpass the data

impproc hbp [-h] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            low high fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Lowest frequency passed (in wavelength)


Highest frequency passed (in wavelength)


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Horizontally lowpass the data

impproc lp [-h] [-o O]
           [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
           low fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Lowest frequency passed (in wavelength)


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Crop the data in the vertical

impproc crop [-h] [-o O]
             [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
             {top,bottom} {snum,twtt,depth,pretrig} lim fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: top, bottom

Remove from the top or bottom


Possible choices: snum, twtt, depth, pretrig

Set the bound in terms of snum (sample number), twtt (two way travel time in microseconds), depth (m, calculated using the nmo_depth or a light speed of 1.69e8m/s if it doesn’t, or pretrig (the recorded trigger sample)


The cutoff value


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Crop the data in the horizontal

impproc hcrop [-h] [-o O]
              [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
              {left,right} {tnum,dist} lim fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: left, right

Remove from the left or right


Possible choices: tnum, dist

Set the bound in terms of tnum (trace number, 1 indexed) or dist (distance in km)


The cutoff value


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Normal move-out correction

impproc nmo [-h] [--uice UICE] [--uair UAIR]
            [--const_firn_offset CONST_FIRN_OFFSET]
            [--rho_profile RHO_PROFILE] [-o O]
            [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
            ant_sep fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Antenna separation


The files to process

Named Arguments

Speed of light in ice in m/s (default 1.69e8)

Default: 169000000.0


Speed of light in air in m/s (default 3.0e8)

Default: 300000000.0


A constant value added to depth to account for firn. Default None (0.0).


Filename for a depth density profile to correct wave velocity.


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Reinterpolate GPS

impproc interp [-h] [--gps_fn GPS_FN] [--offset OFFSET] [--minmove MINMOVE]
               [--extrapolate] [-o O]
               [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
               spacing fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

New spacing of radar traces, in meters


The files to process

Named Arguments

CSV or mat file containing the GPS information. .csv and .txt files are assumed to be csv, .mat are mat. Default is None–use associated (presumably non-precision) GPS


Offset from GPS time to radar time

Default: 0.0


Minimum movement to not be stationary

Default: 0.01


Extrapolate GPS data beyond bounds

Default: False


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


GPS control

impproc geolocate [-h] [--extrapolate] [--guess] [-o O]
                  [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
                  gps_fn fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

CSV or mat file containing the GPS information. .csv and .txt files are assumed to be csv, .mat are mat. Default is None–use associated (presumably non-precision) GPS


The files to process

Named Arguments

Extrapolate GPS data beyond bounds

Default: False


Guess at offset

Default: False


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”


Denoising filter for the data image

impproc denoise [-h] [-o O]
                [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
                vert_win hor_win fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

Size of filtering window in vertical (number of samples)


Size of filtering window in horizontal (number of traces)


The files to process

Named Arguments

Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”



impproc migrate [-h] [--mtype {stolt,kirch,phsh,tk,sumigtk,sustolt,sumigffd}]
                [--vel VEL] [--vel_fn VEL_FN] [--nearfield] [--htaper HTAPER]
                [--vtaper VTAPER] [--nxpad NXPAD] [--tmig TMIG]
                [--verbose VERBOSE] [-o O]
                [--ftype {mat,pe,gssi,stomat,gprMax,gecko,segy,mcords_mat,mcords_nc,UoA_mat,UoA_h5,ramac,bsi,delores,osu,ramac,tek}]
                fns [fns ...]
Positional Arguments

The files to process

Named Arguments

Possible choices: stolt, kirch, phsh, tk, sumigtk, sustolt, sumigffd

Migration routines.

Default: “phsh”


Speed of light in dielectric medium m/s default is for ice, 1.69e8)

Default: 169000000.0


Filename for inupt velocity array. Column 1: velocities, Column 2: z locations, Column 3: x locations (optional)


Boolean for nearfield operator in Kirchhoff migration.

Default: False


Number of samples for horizontal taper

Default: 100


Number of samples for vertical taper

Default: 1000


Number of traces to pad with zeros for FFT

Default: 100


Times for velocity profile

Default: 0


Print output from SeisUnix migration

Default: 1


Output to this file (folder if multiple inputs)


Possible choices: mat, pe, gssi, stomat, gprMax, gecko, segy, mcords_mat, mcords_nc, UoA_mat, UoA_h5, ramac, bsi, delores, osu, ramac, tek

Type of file to load (default ImpDAR mat)

Default: “mat”